ハワイ島は、ハワイ諸島で最大の島であり、ビッグアイランドと呼ばれています。残りの島々をすべて合わせた大きさとほぼ同じであり、さまざまな生命に満ちあふれています。総面積4,000平方マイル (約10,400平方キロメートル) に及ぶこの島には、鬱蒼 (うっそう) と茂る熱帯雨林、黒砂海岸、雪を頂く山々、古代ハワイの集落跡、雄大なキラウエア火山といった見所が数多くあります。
Blue Hawaiian Helicoptersが世界中で評判になっている理由をご確認ください。
Great experience
Worthwhile experience but not jaw dropping like expected. Juliana checked us in and was very friendly. Tim was a great pilot and tour guide - couldn’t have asked for better - but we didn’t get close to the sites as expected. Cloud cover limited our views on some things, and we had to maintain a very high altitude. We used this same company several years ago on Maui, and that experience was better. No minimum altitudes required there I guess. Verify exactly what you’ll be seeing and how close you’ll be before booking this particular tour.
Tool the Molokai experience, it was amazing. Derek was an awesome pilot and guide. Highly recommend!
Very fun, breathtaking
Fantastic adventure to really see parts of the island you wouldn't be able to otherwise. Alex was a great pilot, smooth flight, great vibes 🤙 Definitely wear dark clothing to avoid glare on windows on a nice day.