Hawaii’s air-tour leader for 40 years, and the only helicopter tour company that serves the entire state, Only Blue Hawaiian has an approved and accepted voluntary FAA Safety Management System (SMS), just like all major airlines, along with numerous other industry-leading safety programs and practices. Blue Hawaiian is also guided by an executive management team dedicated to Continuous Process Improvement. In Hawaii, Only Blue is the leader in air-tour safety.
Only Blue: Has a Voluntary FAA Safety Management System (SMS) implementation program accepted and approved - May 18, 2015. Key points:
Only Blue: Has a Voluntary FAA Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) accepted and approved – Nov. 13, 2017
Only Blue: Is a member of the Tour Operators Program of Safety (TOPS) – audited September 2023
Only Blue: Have helicopters upgraded with the newest GARMIN glass-cockpit avionics, displaying synthetic terrain awareness to pilots. A major safety benefit while flying in Hawaii’s terrain.
Only Blue: Requires the highest pilot-hour minimum in the state of Hawaii.
Only Blue: Incorporates a guaranteed salary into our pilots’ pay. This puts less pressure on pilots to fly in order to make their income, and allows them to make flight decisions not predicated on hours flown.